We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

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Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Daily Disposable lenses are not what they were five years. In fact, they aren’t the same they were last year. And as of today, they aren’t the same lenses they were yesterday! This segment of the market is so underrepresented in the US. In most other modern nations, daily disposable contact lens wearers comprise more than 35% of the market. In the US, we lag WAY behind. Why is that? Is it because I do not offer them to you enough. Are you not truly understanding the health benefits of such a convenient modality? I fear it may be the cost. I wish I knew. The cost of wearing a daily disposable lens is less than a dollar a day. Take into account you need not by toxic cleaning solutions. Over the course of the year, i would argue that these lenses are quite cost effective, not to mention tremendously convenient. I think one oppportunity contact lens wearers might not appreciate is the lack of commitment these lenses require. What do I mean? Well, to wear daily contact lenses does not mean you have to wear them everyday. They are perfect for the part-time contact lens wearer that just wants to be free from eyewear when skiing, hiking or biking. Moreover, they are absolutely wonderful for those who travel frequently with their work and don’t want to get ‘stuck’ without a spare lens. In addition, some of my most successful and and satisfied daily disposable contact lens wearer wear them in addition to or in conjunction with their traditional lens modality. Take for instance, the MONTHLY lens wearer you is very content. But in May and June she discards each pair every two weeks because the Colorado Cottonwood is destroying her! This is a perfect opportunity to switch to dailies and the allergy symptoms almost disappear. Honesltly, this is where I getting the largest number of patients transfer from a monthly to a daily regiman and request it for the entire year. Did I mention how comfortable they are? Can’t even explain, come see for yourself. After a comprehensive contact lens fitting, I am happy to provide a diagnostic set for you to try.