We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

For the most UP-TO-DATE appointment availability, view our online scheduling options!

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Internet Contact Lens Purchases

Really and Honestly, I do not care where my patients get their contact lenses. I am happy to release the prescription. I am thrilled that you have chosen me as your service provider. Most other optometrists feel the same. HOWEVER, know that there are things that your optometrist may not be able to provide if you do not purchase your lenses at their office. For example, if your ten year old has a prescription that is changing rapidly, I often tell my patients to bring them back in 6 months. If the prescrption changes, I will exchange any boxes of CLs that have not been used! from the office, we can offer free shipping…that’s usually where people get ‘dinged’ when trying to purchase on-line. If you lose or tear a lens, we will provide a replacement, if you have purchased your lenses at our office. If not, sorry! Furthermore, I am a stauch advocate of keeping money in my local economy. Given that the price of lenses in my office is very competitive, why not purchase from your home-town vendor and keep the money HERE, in Broomfield, rather than send it into the internet? Just a thought. In the end, a contact lens is a contact lens. Just know that products from my office come with service that extends beyond the sale.