Need a referral?
During my day, I have the wonderful pleasure of getting to meet about 15 unique people every day, some days its more, some less, depending on the ratio of NEW to EXISTING patients. In addition, I really feel as if I get to know many of these individuals quite well. As I explore their visual demands, I hear about their work, their hobbies, their home life and even their TV watching style! Throughout the years I have developed a very extensive ‘network’ of professionals whom I draw upon in both my personal life as well as my professional life. When I needed a real estate agent, I knew 6. When I needed a banker, I knew 4. When I needed a hair stylist, again there were 6. Massage therapist, near 10. Dentist, primary care physician, pediatrician, you name it, I can usually conjure up at least one name. I really enjoy having this wealth of resources at my fingertips. Moreover, I get a great deal of satisfaction in GIVING a referral. So, if you need one, just ask! Want a brown eyed, brown haired, female orthodontist in Broomfield….I’ve got her name and number at my fingertips! Just ask!