Removing Synergeyes Contact Lenses & Keratoconus
Okay….it is VERY important to understand that this lens is unlike any others that have come before it. It is truly revolutionary. With that comes different insertion and removal techniques. Like any other lens, learning to insert it and remove it for the first time takes practice and gets easier every time you do it…if the lenses are fit appropriately. So, in short, I direct my patients to the Synergeyes weblink for removal. If you do not have the ability to view a .wmv fle, thre just of the video teaches you not to pull the lens out but rather pinch the lens at 5 and 7-oclock and attempt to inject an air bubble underneath the gas permeable portion. The lens should literally fall out. If it does not release, STOP! Do not PULL on the lens. Just dry your hands and fingers and come at it again. If you have to make more than 3 attempts, the lens is likely fit too tight. It is not uncommon for the lens to tighten over the first couple of weeks. Make sure to talk to your eye care practitioner about the ease/ difficulty of insertino/ removal at your next visit as this information is essential to determine a good fit. You should also know that Synergeyes is about to role out two lens, one of which is already FDA approved. First, they are rolling out the ClearKone. This lens fits differently than the Synergeyes KC and will offer a wider spectrum of parameters to fit those patients with off center cones, which frankly is much more common than those with central cones. The second, name yet to be determined, will be a whole new hybrid offering a silicone hydrogel skirt with a high dK central gas permeable. This second lens will supposedly be much more main stream and will fit more like a traditional gas permeable, thus being less intimidating for the average eye care practitioner. Stay tuned for more! The Synergeyes A, Synergeyes KC and Synergyes PS will continue to be available for those who have been fit successfully. For some up to date information on new contact lens alternatives for patients with keratoconus, please visit a well put together site of the National Keratoconus Foundation. Another great site to get a feel for what keratoconic patients see is