Homecoming…it’s all in the eyes.
Watching toddlers turn into kids that turn into teens is something of a wonder. This week I had the pleasure of chatting with a gorgeous young lady that I have seen since she was just a wee thing. Today we got to talk about Homecoming. She is a sophomore at Mountain Range High School and she has her homecoming dance this weekend. Her eyes lit up when she talked about her dress and about her boyfriend, a junior that she has been seeing for 2 months. Her father sat in the exam room with her and I watched as he squirmed while she expressed her adoration for this young man. I looked at him to inquire about his approval and received the obligatory, “He’s alright.” Having once been a teen girl myself, I thought that was a very positive response! He continued to squirm as she talked. He squinted his eyes. He crossed his eyes. He rolled his eyes. On the other hand, this young lady’s eyes sparkled with excitement, new love and anticipation. We discussed her hairdo, her dress, her shoes. We even spent time discussing how much and exactly how she should apply her eye makeup. When all was said and done, I did actually examine their eyes and their vision but I had so much more fun just witnessing their lives through the expressions in their eyes. They tell a story all their own.