We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

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Eye Conditions

  • As the Snow Falls….

    Well, it seems that winter may officially have arrived here in Denver. Today is a cold, dreary, 1/3 rain, 1.3 sleet, 1/3 snow kinda day. Saturday of course, this never happens on Monday, right? As I sit in my home contemplating any activity to occupy my two children, I pick up that faint familiar smell […]

    Continue Reading October 8, 2011

  • Got the Itchies?

    I’m sure I could have used a safer title for my maiden post – we’re talking about itchy EYES here, folks! As I was driving with my wife and two boys the other day, Cindy pointed out that bits of green were starting to appear on the fields that we passed.  This, along with my […]

    Continue Reading March 18, 2010

  • It’s all connected….

    Dr Murphy: I truly do love being a healthcare provider. Being an eye care provider allows me to literally see into the windows of the body. While your annual wellness visit may seem to be focused on the comfort of your contact lenses, the recent change in your vision, the dryness you feel after working on […]

    Continue Reading March 10, 2010

  • Dry Eye Most Effective if Treated Early

    Why wait until a disease is in its final stages before treating it? Would we wait until a patient had lost significant visual function before treating them? Why wait until a patient is severely symptomatic and in pain before treating their dry eye. I would argue that we should not. The most important part of […]

    Continue Reading September 28, 2009

  • Easing the Financial Burden

    Recently, in many publications, there have been articles offering methods to help consumers save money while we are enduring this economic roller coaster. One such suggestion is to “avoid going to the doctor.” In short, I understand. However, I don’t think this has to mean that you cut off all communication with your provider. I […]

    Continue Reading April 17, 2009

  • Watery Eyes?!?!!?

    I’ve seen several people this week and talked to even more about the fact that their eyes have started watering spontaneously. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, it seems as if they can’t stop crying. Funny, Mrs. Jones…you were here last year with the exact same problem during the exact same season. This is […]

    Continue Reading April 16, 2009

  • Those little “floaty” things

    We have seen them at one time or another. They have a very scientific name, you know…those little floaty things in your vision. What are they? I must answer that question 5 times per day. I am happy to because really, they are usually nothing bad. They are parts of the vitreous membrane inside your […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2009