Synergeyes Hybrid Contact Lenses
Everyday someone asks me about the lenses. Synergeyes. I am thrilled. This lens comes in two main ‘varieties’ if you will, a single vision “A” lens and a multi-focal “MF” lens. I have fit many people sucessfully in the A lens since its release over a year ago. I was lucky enough to be a part of the beta test for the MF lens and have enjoyed seeing so many satisfied patients over the last 6 months. The MF lens was released to the general public late last year. This year Synergeyes released its post-surgical (PS) set which I have not had much of a need for. I have many post-surgical patients successfully fit with the A lens. If you are interested in this lens, I encourage you to speak to your local eye doctor, preferably one that specializes in contact lenses and has fit more than one or two of these, there is a learning curve. This lens is great because it provides clear optics with a rigid lens center, and excellent comfort with a soft lens skirt. It is similar to the old softperm but fits and better and is made of higher quality materials. This lens is custom fit for each patient so its not inexpensive but when my patients are fit successfully, they don’t seem to mind paying the bill. The fit is not easy and it does take time and several visits to get it just right. I rely on my patients feedback to make appropriate changes to the lens. The odds of getting right the first time are slim, about 50%. But after some evaluation by the patient and seeing how it performs in their real life situations, I can alter the prescription and the fit accordingly. More on this to come…