Sick Day…a once a decade occurence
I am finally recovering from last Monday, one week ago, when I hurt my back. Not sure WHAT I did, but I know I did it when I was shoveling the steps. I did not want my dog to have to walk in the snow. That’ll teach me to be nice. But, last week was the first time I have to had to cancel patients in my practice. I feel so guilty. Some of these people had been waiting several weeks for their appt. When was the last time a doctor did this to you? Most would say never. I believe we are held to a higher standard of attendance and I am proud to say I have always lived up to that. However, to my patients from Monday, January 12th, I am so sorry if I inconvenienced you. I look forward to seeing you soon. Please feel free to bring a chiropractor or massage therapist with you to your appointment. 🙂