6 Amazing Fun Facts About Our Eyes
It’s easy to take our eyesight for granted! We don’t think about it during a typical day. Here are some remarkable vision tidbits.
It’s easy to take our eyesight for granted! We don’t think about it during a typical day. Here are some remarkable vision tidbits.
There are lots of perks to getting older... Retirement, travel, stability, grandkids, etc. However, few of us want to look older.
Spring is wonderful, isn’t it? The weather warms up, the days stretch out, and flowers bloom. However, spring also marks the beginning of allergy season!
Tears and a runny nose? Looks like that recipe called for freshly chopped onion! What is it about onions that sends our tear ducts into overdrive?
The right nutrients help protect our eyes from the effects of aging and eye disease.
We typically worry about staying warm during the winter months, and think less about protecting our eyes. However, the winter months can be as hard on our eyes as the summer months.
Did you know that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air? In fact, indoor air pollutants may be 2–5 times higher than outdoor pollutants!
Watching toddlers turn into kids that turn into teens is something of a wonder. This week I had the pleasure of chatting with a gorgeous young lady that I have seen since she was just a wee thing. Today we got to talk about Homecoming. She is a sophomore at Mountain Range High School and […]
For years, I have seen patients for their annual eye exams and had the privilege of hearing about their lives. Some days, patients are anxious to come in and discuss an upcoming vacation and their excitement surrounding the selection of new sunglasses. Some days, parents bring in their children for their annual ‘back to school’ […]
Today I had one of those work days that reminds you why I do what I do. Every patient that I interacted with brought me a different challenge with a unique lifestyle and a plethora of demanding vision scenarios. It’s good. I get to change with my patients. When they change jobs, we change their […]