We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

For the most UP-TO-DATE appointment availability, view our online scheduling options!

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  • Prepping for a little one….

    As many of you know, Dr Pipkin is pregnant with her first child and she is expecting a girl in April. We are very excited for this new addition to the FREA Family. As we prepare for her time off to snuggle her new one, we are making some changes to our patient schedule to […]

    Continue Reading March 5, 2014

  • What if we had a choice?

    If an eye disease was an inevitable part of your life, wouldn’t it be nice if you could pick which disease you had? If you could, you would want to pick cataracts. Today, cataract surgery can not only remedy the disease but it can make your eye sight better than it ever was before. Thanks […]

    Continue Reading January 12, 2014

  • Welcome to the New Front Range Eye Associates Website!

    We’re proud to announce the launch of our brand new website. The site was designed with you in mind and is chock-full of several useful features. It’s now easier than ever to make an appointment, download patient forms, view current specials and promotions, and learn about the many products and services we offer at our […]

    Continue Reading January 12, 2014

  • We are pleased to announce our new partn

    We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Children’s Eye Physicians. This well respected group of pediatric surgeons will be seeing patients at FREA twice a week and we are thrilled to have them on board. FREA has always loved kids and now we have even more of them to love! http://ow.ly/cWSU4

    Continue Reading August 20, 2012

  • Only 1 more until the Back To School Bas

    Only 1 more until the Back To School Bash at The Broomfield Bay! If you haven’t already RSVPd, call the office at 303.951.1820 before 3pm to let us know you are coming. Can’t wait to SEE you there! http://ow.ly/cWRcr

    Continue Reading August 17, 2012

  • Now that summer is coming to an end, don

    Now that summer is coming to an end, don’t forget to upload your photos to the Transitions Sight of the Day photo contest for a chance to win a trip to the Galapagos Islands or Hawaii! http://ow.ly/cWQN0

    Continue Reading August 14, 2012

  • I saw a young woman today complaining of

    I saw a young woman today complaining of progressive vision loss. She was worried. She did not know what was going on. Guess what. She had a cataract. Cataracts are common among older adults (65+) but she was young, only 55. Her vision had gotten progressively worse the previous 6 months to point that she […]

    Continue Reading February 16, 2012