We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

For the most UP-TO-DATE appointment availability, view our online scheduling options!

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  • Ready to Make the Move

    After much preparation, Front Range Eye Associates is ready to move. We are relocating to provide our patients a much higher level of service in a much more efficient space. Our current location has served us in spite of inqdequate parking and limited office hours. Our new location will immediately remedy both of these issues as […]

    Continue Reading October 31, 2009

  • Dry Eye Most Effective if Treated Early

    Why wait until a disease is in its final stages before treating it? Would we wait until a patient had lost significant visual function before treating them? Why wait until a patient is severely symptomatic and in pain before treating their dry eye. I would argue that we should not. The most important part of […]

    Continue Reading September 28, 2009

  • DriveWear

    This is the greatest thing since sliced bread! I love this lens! For those of you who have tried Transitions lenses in the past, you have experienced a wonderful product with really just one significant shortcoming….they don’t get dark in the car. That’s because Transitions technology is based on UV light. UV light is blocked […]

    Continue Reading September 24, 2009

  • Removing Synergeyes Contact Lenses & Keratoconus

    Okay….it is VERY important to understand that this lens is unlike any others that have come before it. It is truly revolutionary. With that comes different insertion and removal techniques. Like any other lens, learning to insert it and remove it for the first time takes practice and gets easier every time you do it…if […]

    Continue Reading June 26, 2009

  • Board Certification

    The American Optometric Association (www.AOA.org) House of Delegates just passed a motion to accept a model of Board Certification. This was a highly contested topic in our delegation and profession but in my heart of hearts I believe it was the right thing to do. This will be a measure of continued competancy for member of […]

    Continue Reading June 26, 2009

  • Giving Back

    At Front Range Eye Associates, we are blessed to be able to care for our community members every day. Most of the people in our community are well educated, well fed, and well funded and well…..well they are just plain nice people. However, we are also extremely lucky to be able to care for others, […]

    Continue Reading April 27, 2009

  • Easing the Financial Burden

    Recently, in many publications, there have been articles offering methods to help consumers save money while we are enduring this economic roller coaster. One such suggestion is to “avoid going to the doctor.” In short, I understand. However, I don’t think this has to mean that you cut off all communication with your provider. I […]

    Continue Reading April 17, 2009

  • Watery Eyes?!?!!?

    I’ve seen several people this week and talked to even more about the fact that their eyes have started watering spontaneously. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, it seems as if they can’t stop crying. Funny, Mrs. Jones…you were here last year with the exact same problem during the exact same season. This is […]

    Continue Reading April 16, 2009

  • Gas Permeable Lenses are NOT Gone!

    Some refer to them as HARD lenses. Some call them gas perms. They used to be called PMMA. This is a family of lenses that are a harder plastic than the more commonly worn soft disposable lenses. They are hard. They are gas permeable, meaning that oxygen passes THROUGH the lens. They are no longer made […]

    Continue Reading April 9, 2009

  • Transitions Lenses

    Transitions is the brand name for the lenses that automatically change from light to dark when you go outside. These lenses are wonderful…if you take the time to become an educated consumer. I prescribe these lenses for all children because practically speaking, they are NOT going to have two pairs of prescription eyewear, one clear and […]

    Continue Reading March 19, 2009