We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

For the most UP-TO-DATE appointment availability, view our online scheduling options!

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  • Contact lens solutions are NOT all the same

    We ask our contact lens patients every day, which cleaning regimen to use? We often hear, “Oh, I usually use the green bottle but when it’s not on sale I use the blue one.” This is our cue that this patient needs some education. First, even among the BRANDED varieties, the contact lens solutions are not […]

    Continue Reading March 19, 2009

  • Patients are like family

    Really. Its true. I have now been practicing for 7 years and have been lucky enough to consider many of my patients part of an extended family. I hope they can see that when they come in. Maybe I am a little over the top sometime. I can’t think of many days that go by […]

    Continue Reading March 19, 2009

  • The Power of One

    I am a VISION SOURCE! member. Vision Source is a network of over 1900 premier private practice optometric offices around the country. Being a member of this group means a tremendous amount to me as it provides me with an amazing group of peers with whom to share practice ideas and to from whom I […]

    Continue Reading February 27, 2009

  • Need a referral?

    During my day, I have the wonderful pleasure of getting to meet about 15 unique people every day, some days its more, some less, depending on the ratio of NEW to EXISTING patients. In addition, I really feel as if I get to know many of these individuals quite well. As I explore their visual […]

    Continue Reading February 4, 2009

  • Those little “floaty” things

    We have seen them at one time or another. They have a very scientific name, you know…those little floaty things in your vision. What are they? I must answer that question 5 times per day. I am happy to because really, they are usually nothing bad. They are parts of the vitreous membrane inside your […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2009

  • Everybody Poops

    My two year old daughter is fascinated by the book “Everyone Poops” She insists on me reading this story to her EVERY time she is the bathroom for serious business. She giggles and points to the poop and says “Icky!” or “It’s Poo Poo!” I have just been waiting for the day she provides all […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2009

  • Healthy Eyes, Healthy People

    I am sitting in Lambert Airport in St.Louis after attending the American Optometric Association‘s  Healthy Eyes, Healthy People Consultants Meeting. What a rush! It is so great to know that the industry and its corporate sponsors have come together to fund programs to serve underserved populations &  increase awareness about vision and eye health issues. […]

    Continue Reading January 25, 2009

  • Sick Day…a once a decade occurence

    I am finally recovering from last Monday, one week ago, when I hurt my back. Not sure WHAT I did, but I know I did it when I was shoveling the steps. I did not want my dog to have to walk in the snow. That’ll teach me to be nice. But, last week was […]

    Continue Reading January 19, 2009

  • PRK is right choice for an educated patient

    PRK is not LASIK. LASIK is not the same as PRK. Intralase is not the same as PRK. PRK is not RK. PRK is photorefractive keratectomy. It is now also referred to as ASA or Advanced Surface Ablation. This procedure uses the SAME LASER as LASIK but is able to provide correction much closer to […]

    Continue Reading January 19, 2009

  • Synergeyes are a smash hit

    This lens never ceases to amaze. In just this past few weeks, I have taken 3 patients whom had previously been told they can no longer wear contact lenses, and fit them successfully with the Synergeyes lens. Most were fitted with the A lens (the most traditional lens) but some did necessitate the KC lens. […]

    Continue Reading January 19, 2009