We are scheduling both new and current patients at this time. Please understand that we are booking out almost 2 months for comprehensive annual exams due to demand. If you have an eye EMERGENCY we can get you in immediately.
CALL/TEXT US at (303) 951-1820 to schedule your annual exam or optical visit.

For the most UP-TO-DATE appointment availability, view our online scheduling options!

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  • Homecoming…it’s all in the eyes.

    Watching toddlers turn into kids that turn into teens is something of a wonder. This week I had the pleasure of chatting with a gorgeous young lady that I have seen since she was just a wee thing. Today we got to talk about Homecoming. She is a sophomore at Mountain Range High School and […]

    Continue Reading September 12, 2014

  • Connecting with People

    For years, I have seen patients for their annual eye exams and had the privilege of hearing about their lives. Some days, patients are anxious to come in and discuss an upcoming vacation and their excitement surrounding the selection of new sunglasses. Some days, parents bring in their children for their annual ‘back to school’ […]

    Continue Reading September 9, 2014

  • $10 is $10, Don’t be afraid to get more VALUE for your dollar

    The majority of patients that we see in our Broomfield clinic have vision or medical insurance that covers their examinations. For those of you that are fortunate enough to have insurance, allow me to help you think about your healthcare dollars in a different light. Here is an example: Let’s say that your co-pay for […]

    Continue Reading August 4, 2011

  • We are a community

    I love living in a small town. Actually, Broomfield is not a small town but rather a big town/city with a small town feel. So many of my patients are like family to me. The relationships I form with each patient is an important one. We are connected. That being said, I am not so […]

    Continue Reading July 7, 2011

  • First Impressions, or Otherwise

    Upon moving here to “God’s Country” last July, my wife and I completely invested ourselves in all of the wonderful opportunities for local, fresh food. Most of our produce comes from a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture – ask me about it!), our milk is delivered from a local dairy, eggs are from our neighbor across […]

    Continue Reading May 21, 2010

  • The Three O’s

    Dr. Murphy: A few months ago, I was preparing to deliver a lecture/educational seminar to a group of residents at a nursing home. I stood in the hallway reading over my notes. I was dressed in a suit with a stick on name badge that said my name and below it, Optometrist. I was waiting […]

    Continue Reading May 3, 2010

  • Finally Settled In….Now time to change some things….

    I had no idea it would take this long….it’s been 4 months and I am feeling that we have finally settled in to our new digs. We have endured some significant growing pains so I want to begin my extending my most sincere THANK YOU to our patients who emulate what patience really means. Scheduling […]

    Continue Reading February 11, 2010

  • Patients are like family

    Really. Its true. I have now been practicing for 7 years and have been lucky enough to consider many of my patients part of an extended family. I hope they can see that when they come in. Maybe I am a little over the top sometime. I can’t think of many days that go by […]

    Continue Reading March 19, 2009

  • The Power of One

    I am a VISION SOURCE! member. Vision Source is a network of over 1900 premier private practice optometric offices around the country. Being a member of this group means a tremendous amount to me as it provides me with an amazing group of peers with whom to share practice ideas and to from whom I […]

    Continue Reading February 27, 2009

  • Need a referral?

    During my day, I have the wonderful pleasure of getting to meet about 15 unique people every day, some days its more, some less, depending on the ratio of NEW to EXISTING patients. In addition, I really feel as if I get to know many of these individuals quite well. As I explore their visual […]

    Continue Reading February 4, 2009